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Page History: Complaint to Ohio State Supreme Court, July 2010

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Page Revision: 2010/08/21 20:44

The Disciplinary Counsel of the Supreme Court of Ohio claims they will keep the following complaint confidential. I make no such claims. The following is the text of the complaint verbatim. I have corrected punctuation and spelling errors. (Ain't computers great? At the time of writing this I was confined at Summit Behavioral Healthcare and was provided only a safe fat marker and limited paper.)


I do not have the documentation here at SBH to give details, but approximately 4 years ago Hamilton County Sheriff Worley delivered a knee strike to me face. An aggravated assault of this magnitude represents an attempt on my life.

A 'Google' search for "Lindsly Vs Worley" will likely pull up my description of events at along with docket links. Prosecutor Deters picked up representation on Worley, et al. He has no problem with lying on official documents or having others present false evidence in support of the defense.

7/9/10- A Norwood police officer forcefully cuffs me and places me in his cruiser. He had no probable cause, warrant, or other judicial document giving him the right to kidnap me to the Psychiatric Evaluation Unit at University Hospital. While there, nurse "David" gives me a pill which he said was Respirdol. It was not. As I was fading under heavy sedation, he and a UH security guard '2-pointed' me with leather cuffs onto a restraining cot. I woke up in the Hamilton County Justice Center with knots on my temple and a very sore jaw that had nearly been knocked out of socket. I was released downtown penniless and had to walk the five miles home dazed. By the way, it was not until 9-15 that a University Hospital cop writes me a ticket for an alleged assault on nurse David.

7/12/10- I called my sister Lori and explained some of the troubles I had been having recently including a false arrest by a Norwood officer on 6-19-10 for disorderly conduct. The officer told me they had received calls saying I was "stopping traffic." I had done no such thing. Instead of writing me a ticket, he cuffed me and hauled me to HCJC where he and 4 other HC deputies severely beat me and may have killed me if not interrupted. The sergeant on duty admitted to shicking with a stun gun. This was administered to the right side of the small of my back near my psyatic nerve. I still suffer pain from this.