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Page History: Kidnapped_2010_08_25

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Page Revision: 2010/08/30 10:11


Now comes Roger Gage, RN, BSN, Clinical Resource Management Unit for the Hamiliton Count Mental Health and Recovery Services Board.

... (I'll scan this document later. For now, just the damning paragraph:)

This 47 year old male has a history of Bipolar Affective Disorder I. He was discharged from SBHC on 8/20/10. He was due for a Risperdal Consta injection 25mg today. He refused the injection stating that the medication is poison. He is currently exhibiting symptoms of mania with psychosis. He is extremely agitated, angry and menacing. His speech is very pressured. He yells loudly at nearly anyone who is in his vicinity including strangers. This behavior could not be redirected by the patient's case manager. The patient voices the paranoid delusion that the Norwood Police are after him. His thought processes are disorganized. He is very tangential and cannot focus on a single topic.

I am not under supervised care nor was I at the time of the 'not-arrest' 8-25. Transfer of treatment is not legal.

The only witness to observe any behavior at all was James Dalton, an employee of Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Healthcare. He obviously took to heart the reaming I gave him and slandered me inappropriately. The above affidavit illegally gave 3 Hamilton County Sheriff's the assumption that they had the right to try to break in the apartment building where I reside. I heard one of them jimmying the backdoor. I came to see what the matter was. I opened the door and caught one of them still attempting to break in. I asked him, "What are you doing trying to break in?" He stepped back several steps to where he was in view of a cohort and responded, "I wasn't." He drew his taser gun, raised his voice and hollered, "Turn around, place what you have on the ground and put your hands in the air." I did so...

Transferred to The Christ Hospital where I was forcefully injected with an overdose of Ativan while I protested allergy to it. I was restrained with leather straps. When I awoke I was injected with yet another overdose. I was knocked out for some 48 odd hours or more... After co-operating with the staff not exhibiting any mania symptoms for 5 days, I was released.