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Page History: Lindsly vs. Worley, et al.

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Page Revision: 2009/05/15 08:35

The Truth according to Gerald Lindsly:

A federal civil suit concerning the attempted murder committed by Michael Worley against myself and the conspiracy of the Hamilton County "Justice" Center to cover up and minimize said act.

< 06?: One of ADT's employees submitted only possibly incriminating video evidence at a trial of which I was defendant. He neglected to show footage of myself trying to leave the scene empty handed. I was acquitted of a charge of burglary although I did admit to trespassing.

08/03?/06: I intentionally trigger an ADT security alert because I was mad at them. I immediately left the scene. The Cincinnati police used stealth to confront me at a busy intersection and told me they were going to take me an insane asylum. I said "No way" and tried to walk away. I was tasered at least 3 times until I blacked out and was laying on the payment in the middle of the street. There were many witnesses to this brutality. If they had told me I was under arrest, I would have shown them empty hands and asked why.

08/04/06: Worley did intentionally try to kill me. He drove his knee into my face with the largest force he could muster and thereby caved in my skull. I suffered concussion, broken bones, memory loss, bleeding from the nose and mouth, bruising, swelling, black eyes, a scratched cornea and a tremendous amount of pain for a considerable time. I required major surgery under anesthesia and near emergency to partially repair the damage done.

I now have a metal plate and screws driven into bone installed in my head to support my cheekbone and to protect my brain. The shape of my face could not be restored entirely and I am permanently disfigured. I daily suffer aching head pains in addition to some numbness and tingling due to nerve damage. These griefs will be with me for the rest of my life.

11/15/07: Preliminary Pretrial Conference held. Later that day, Honorable Judge Spiegel decided this key issue: "This is expected to be a five-day jury trial."

I believe he underestimated the amount of corruption present in the legal system. As the case progressed, the conspiracy grew larger and further tainted with deceit. No criminal charges have yet been filed. I have been advised by my attorney that filing such charges would be vindictive. Judge Spiegel did not have the evidence before him to know that assault and battery of that magnitude represented attempted murder. He also did not know that the county sheriffs and prosecutors, judges and witnesses would lie in order seek personal gain or protection.