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Page History: WOG Members

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Page Revision: 2010/12/30 16:32

Wings Of Glass WOG Members

(See bottom of Wings Of Glass for officers)
Manaburn X: One of Gero's RL friends who only occasionally comes online.
Serenity Leutha: One of the charter members of WOG with whom Gero worked through much of Prophecies.
This Fayte: Quality player busy with school most of the time.
M E C H Innos: Veteran player who managed to get promoted again after a demote for inactivity. Still great officer potential.

Sneaky With Daggers|Earth Vs The World|Austin Arrows
Ninja Jake
Scythe Of Wind
Draconic Dervish
Ilya Von Enzen
Adyn Xaneoz
Sin Auromancer
Chara Vanguard
Kronos Makar
Soal Punisher
Horrific Fungus
X The Goddess X
Free Ship
Gibraltar The Great
Royal Silohette
The Lost Light
I Will Live On
Xx Monkey Girl Xx
Leng Dui
Master Lubu
Little Monkies
Saley Catt
Radas Splinter Ranger
Lemur Dude
Kahori Ebisawa
Koa Sol
Shutensou Takashi
{Xalvan Lamdros
X I Know U Like Me
Keren Ess
Lol Noob Face
Pv Derv
Shadow Barragge
Eragon Myelin

Past Members of Note

WOG has had numerous members leave the guild for various reasons. Here is a list of some of the players/reasons that standout:

Invisus Animus: The original leader of the guild who turned control over to Gero and sought a Pre-Searing guild.
Val Strongbow: Honorable chap who left the guild to stay with Invisus.
Tim Der Beter: Excellent player who left the guild for higher achievements.
Mouse Destruction / Pvp Expert / Trippy Sorceress: A Hero of the Luxons.
Rox Sage / Rox of Fire: A brilliant player with better things to do most of the time. He was booted from the guild after six months of inactivity.
Mini Size Warrior: An officer who made some of his friend's officer before consulting Gero. Gero did try to reorganize the structure, but made some mistakes. Mini was to remain an officer with his friends as members.
I am Skrillex: Not sure why he left the guild twice. I did play a few rounds with him and gave him equipment and builds.
Prophet Raphael: Gero didn't have the opportunity to spend any time with him and he probably was disappointed.

Mr Border Patrol / Destructo Bob: This one left the guild and the Perfectionists Cult Alliance after being with us for only 10 minutes. I admit I didn't interview him long enough for acceptance (distracted with AB), but I at least asked him to look at our guild url and that of the alliance and then asked him: "Are you going to be loyal to [us]?"

Bang U With Fire / Ixl Daggers Ftw Ixl / Dervish Monk Power / Jhbu Yo Ouii: Invited into the guild by SINJUN. Repeatedly asked guild members how much gold they had or if they had greens items or other valuables. He was not trusted from the start. Gero decided to give him a chance anyway and gave him a few things to help out with Daggers desperation for wealth. While in Ascalon after spending an hour questing with him, Gero overheard another guild's leader say "I gave you free stuff and you left." Suspicions confirmed, Gero continued to help him, but not as much. After not logging in for a week, Daggers was surprised to see the latest improvements in the guild (alliance and new members). During the same session, he asked Gero again, "How much gold do you have?" Gero said "Close to 0. I have been putting together a 55 monk and spent my gold on equipment and spells". Gero sent a whisper to Daggers telling him "You shouldn't ask people how much gold they have. Not many real-life people would tell you the truth about that; although, I have been honest with you in this game." A short while later, Daggers left WOG without a word. Gero had a whispered conversation with him in which Daggers said "You did't trust me". I had told him that trust is earned.
"Trust: reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence."
Gero told Daggers either change his behavior and come back to the guild or Gero would publish the truth.
After Gero nearly begged him to come back for the sake of Daggers' reputation, he came back apologizing and agreed not to leave before discussion. The next day he again left the guild without a word. He will *not* be welcome again. .... A shameful thing is that a fellow NICE member was conned big-time by Daggers during the brief day that he was back. I offered to repay the fellow since it was my mistake to give Daggers so much rope, but I do admit he hung himself with it.