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Modified: 2014/05/07 22:28 by gerald - Uncategorized
Gerald J. Lindsly Cincinnati, OH 45212 (513) 288-5194 ----------

Profile Graphics and animation Operating system, language, compiler and interpreter technologies Clean, modular software system designs Efficient algorithms and optimized implementations Maintainable, reliable, well-documented coding Education BS, Computer Science Certified for Advanced Data Processing Wilmington College, 1986 Shaker Valley Branch Campus, 1985 Student of Year, 1984 & 1985 4000+ hours OJT 4.0 GPA within major

Experience 25+ years

Design/Development Contractor November 1996 - Present Internet, WWW, and 3D game engine development. (HTML, ASP, .NET, Javascript, C++, Windows).

Lead Programmer/Analyst December 1995 - November 1996 Bruce Artwick Organization, Ltd. Responsible for a custom implementation of Microsoft Space Simulator for museum presentation (kiosk) at Space Center Houston. Designed and programmed new sound system and drivers for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Designed and implemented a new 3D modeling system for Microsoft Flight Simulator - with this system, models were designed with 3DStudio and processed through a BSP-tree builder which then output models encoded for depth-first display from within the simulator. Wrote a 24-bit color 3D engine for Windows 95 and DirectX. Responsible for managing other personnel that constructed 3D models and those that assisted with above described projects. (C++, C, 80x86 Assembly Language, DOS, Windows 95).

Design/Development Contractor March 1991 - November 1995 Designed and developed several game implementation systems. Using these systems, game programmers (using C) and artists could construct top-of-the-line gaming products with a minimum of effort and expertise. (80x86 Assembly Language, C, C++, DOS, Windows).

Contract Programmer November 1989 - March 1991 Developed numerous applications for the insurance industry including personal and commercial lines applications and also multi-platform file conversions. Designed and implemented a custom language for file conversion projects. (C, DOS, miscellaneous operating systems).

Co-Owner/Development April 1986 - June 1989 Solid Software, Inc. Responsible for the design and development of several internationally marketed software packages. Duties also included the technical writing, layout, and desktop publishing of user documentation and advertising materials (tutorial/reference manuals, brochures, magazine ads). Also responsible for the acquisition and completion of subcontracted development projects. These projects included some or all of the tasks of Systems Analysis and Design, Consultation, Negotiation, Acquisition and Installation of Hardware, Coding, Testing, Quality Assurance, and the Management of additional programming personnel (C, 80x86 Assembly Language, Modula-2, DOS, Windows).

Languages C++, C (K&R, UNIX, Microsoft/Visual, Borland, Aztec, Small) Java, HTML, XML, Javascript, ASP, .NET Ada, SQL, dBASE, COBOL, Fortran, Forth, LISP Assembly (80x86, 68000, Z80, 8080, 6502, PDP-11) Modula-2 (Logitech, JPI, Stony Brook) Pascal (Turbo, UCSD, Standard) BASIC (Microsoft, Apple, TRS-80, TI-99, PDP-11)


June 1980 - December 1981 CINTUG - Cincinnati, OH Monthly column covering advanced Z80 assembly language techniques for the TRS-80 family of computers.

80Microcomputing -- June 1981 and August 1981 Wayne Green, Inc. - Petersborough, NH Compilations of and additions to the material covered in the CINTUG columns.

Representative Contracts and Projects (prior to 1996)

Flight Simulator/Targeting System Developed for the US Government through Krug International, Inc. This project was coded in 80386 assembly language plus C and included math co-processor support (hand-optimized 80387 code) (DOS).

FAST3D Game Development System This system provided a four-degree of freedom 3D virtual reality gaming environment similar to Wolfenstein-3D but with many enhancements to both functionality and efficiency (50% faster). 80386 assembly language with some C (DOS, Windows).

InDepth 3D Systems Numerous variations of polygonal-based 3D projection algorithms, each tailored (optimized) to handle specific applications. C, C++, plus 80386 assembly language (DOS, Windows).

FAST16 Game Development System Intended to allow simple construction of platform or "Nintendo-style" role playing games (ala Mario Bros), this system permitted 360 degree smooth scrolling animated graphics. Tools included level, sprite and sound editors. Representative game: Monster Bash, produced by Apogee Software Productions (see Largely 8086 assembly language with some C (DOS, Windows).

Graphics Library High speed graphics library. Features included installable drivers for CGA, Hercules, EGA, VGA and SuperVGAs, plus all VGA ModeX modes. Included highly optimized implementations of the Bresenham line drawing algorithm and bitmap functions, plus sprite animation routines. Written in 8086 assembly language (DOS).

Car Security System Subcontracted from the Massachusetts-based Micrologic, Inc., this car security system featured remote-controlled receiver/transmitters which could be activated by the police and used to track down stolen vehicles. This software system was designed to run in a multitasking environment and additionally involved long-distance distributed processing. Written in Modula-2 (DOS, XENIX).

B+-tree Database Toolbox (ISAM) This comprehensive library includes everything needed to develop the highest performance customized database applications. Written in Modula-2 with portions in 8086 assembly language (DOS).

User-Interface Toolbox Included everything needed for professional user-interfaces, from FAST low-level device support for CGA, EGA, MDA, MCGA, VGA and more, through multi-level windows, to high-level data-entry screens and menus. Written in 8086 assembly language, Modula-2, and Turbo Pascal 5.0 for use with Modula-2 and Turbo Pascal 5.0 (DOS).

Telecom Toolbox A complete library of communications tools for the programmer, this toolbox includes all the required low-level interface routines plus numerous ready-to-run file transfer protocols, such as XMODEM, YMODEM, TeLink, SEAlink, and even a complete implementation of the fast and flexible ZMODEM protocol. Written in 8086 assembly language (DOS).

Screen Design Tool Designed to simplify and speed up the design and coding of an application program's display screens, this user-friendly and interactive program allowed the programmer to draw screens and manipulate them with extreme ease. Written in 8086 assembly language (DOS).

Connect-4 Game Utilized artificial intelligence (alpha-beta pruning of minimax game trees) to play the game of Connect-4. Written in 8086 assembly language (DOS).

Small-C Compiler Converted a C compiler (written in C) from DOS-based 8086 code generation to CP/M-based Z80 generation. Also rewrote the run-time support library in Z80 assembly language.

LISP Interpreter Complete implementations of the LISP language. Written both for CP/M (in Z80 assembly language) and for DOS (in 8086 assembly language).

SLR(1) Parser Generator Given a context-free specification of a target language, this program generated a parser for that language. Intended to make the writing of compilers semi-automatic. Written in C (DOS).

8086 Disassembler A smart disassembler for 8086 machine code. Traced program flow to generate only the necessary labels. Produced source code capable of being re-assembled. Separate versions written in Turbo Pascal, C, and Modula-2 (DOS).

Abstract Set Expression Evaluator with Graphs Intended to supplement classroom material on set theory. Written in Turbo Pascal (DOS).

Simplex Spreadsheet An implementation of the Simplex method. Used to solve systems of simultaneous equations subject to constraints. Written in Turbo Pascal (DOS).

College Database Developed for Wilmington College, this project included registration, student records, reports, and transcripts. Written in Turbo Pascal (DOS).